Tuesday, December 8, 2009

There are 2 basic sorts of Spider III amps :

There are two basic kinds of Spider III amps : Type 1 and Type two

The Line 6 Series amps are DSP digital emulations based on forty years of guitar amplifier design. Due to this you can right away select sound at a hint of button. Plenty of the sounds in these amps have been recreated to sound like tones used in certain songs for what it's worth. Line six had a number of popular guitarists create their own sounds using their amplifiers and store them in presets.

There are two basic sorts of Line six Spider III amps. The 1st type is in the models 75, 120, 150 and HD150. These amps feature 12 basic amp models, 7 effects, headphone output, CD / MP3 input, inbuilt tuner, 250 artist's presets, 150 song presets, and 36 user presets. The song presets are primarily based on some of the hottest songs. The user presets are access thru banks of 9 banks of four presets ( A, B, C, & D ). Some of the more popular presets are the 'back in black', 'red house', and 'meshuggah'. There are lots of well-liked guitarists who have created their own presets for this amp series. The track based presets are from the top 2 hundred guitar rock songs ever and are organized into banks by genre.

The second type consists of the amp models 15,30, & HD75 which feature 4 basic amp models, six effects, headphone / direct output, CD / MP3 jack, and 4 basic presets. These amps sound just as good as the first type without as many presets and effects.

More info on the effects : although the Spider III series models 75, 120, 150, and HD150 have 7 different effects they can only playback 3 effects and a noise gate at the same time. They're controlled using 3 knobs : Smart FX A, Smart FX B, and Reverb. The Smart FX A knob selects the modulation based effects like chorus / flange, phase, and tremolo. Smart FX B selects delay type effects like echo, tape echo, and sweep echo. There's a dedicated reverb knob. On models 15, thirty, and HD75 there are six basic effects of which two can be played back concurrently. They're accessed through two knobs : Smart FX A which controls the modulation based effects, ie. Chorus, phase, tremolo, and Smart FX B which controls the time based effects, like delay and reverb. Each of the effect knobs varies how intense the effect is from mild to very strong.

The noise gate is enabled / disabled by holding down the TAP button and then turning the reverb knob. If you go past 12 o'clock on the dial it's enabled. The noise gate is utilized to switch off the output when you aren't playing your guitar. There doesn't seem to be a technique to change the threshold but it seems to work just fine for most presets.

There are 3 optional foot controllers available but not every Spider III amp can use all 3 so check the amp specs. The footswitches connect to the amp thru an RJ-45 wire which is a CAT 5 network wire like that found for connecting your PC to your cable modem for example. If you want a longer cable than the one included then you can simply go purchase one. The footswitch comes with a cable. Note the Line six Floor Board and FB4 foot controllers will not work with Spider III. Continure reading Line 6 Spider III Amps

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